This chapter is intended to help the owner of the car for a long time to keep it in a state of maximum power, economy and safety.
The chapter is built in accordance with the maintenance schedule and each paragraph is devoted to the implementation of individual items of this schedule. All necessary actions are described, starting with inspection and ending with the replacement of faulty elements.
Performing maintenance according to the schedule will help you keep your vehicle in the best working condition for a long time. The schedule has a systemic character, which means that the implementation of some of its points and the failure of others will not give the expected result.
When performing maintenance, you will find that some operations may (and should) be combined, if only simply to save time. For example, if for some reason you needed to get under the car, at the same time inspect the condition of the exhaust, fuel and brake systems. Or you borrowed a torque wrench from a neighbor in the garage for tightening candles. Then at the same time check the largest possible number of connections requiring regulated tightening, as time permits.
Before starting any work, you need to prepare for it. Read the description of all the procedures you are about to perform. List and prepare all the tools, fixtures and spare parts you may need. If you do not feel confident in performing any procedure, consult with a specialist in advance.